If you, like many, are tired of suffering in pain you aren’t alone. Every day hundreds of people are visiting their doctor and seeking pain relief for such conditions as arthritis, nerve conditions and more.
With so many different pain killers on the market today many are becoming concerned about side effects.
Perhaps you’re weary of trying pain reliever after pain reliever, perhaps you don’t think your pain is severe enough to seek medical treatment, these natural pain relievers can help you to relieve your pain in a natural way without expensive doctor visits or medications.
Whether you’re tired of the side effects of over the counter or prescription medications, or you simply prefer a more natural route, these natural pain relievers will give you some pain relief and perhaps save you some money at the store.
Many of these pain relievers are already in your kitchen or your medicine cabinet.
It may sound contradictory, but did you know that every time you exercise your body is releasing endorphins? These endorphins are your body’s natural defense against pain.
They can be even better than pain relievers that have serious side effects and they are virtually free of charge. So save your money and go take a walk, do some aerobics or head to the gym. Regardless, you’re sure to relieve some pain and increase your mobility.
If exercise sounds like too much work, start slowly and take it easy and ease your way into the new plan. Take a walk with a friend or simply walk halfway around the block and then back home again. Work your way up to a healthy distance.
Find Support
There are many great support groups out there for pain. Some are online and others are offline either way, you’re sure to feel better when you find that others are struggling just like you are. To find a support group you can use your favorite search engine and search the term “Pain support groups”. It’s like getting a free therapy session.
If you can’t find a support group, consider gathering together a group of like-minded friends and having some relaxing time together. It is amazing how much just half an hour with a friend can do to take your mind off of your pain and help ease your body aches.
Change Your Diet
Perhaps part of your pain is your diet. You might find that you’re allergic to certain foods (example: many people who cut gluten out of their diets find that they have less joint pain). You may also consider adding in some foods that are rich in resveratrol. This is a strong compound that helps to block some of the enzymes that are responsible for causing you pain.
Another major culprit besides gluten is often sugar. Try eliminating sugar or simply cut back on it and see if you don’t start to feel better. Other diet tricks are to eliminate “white” foods such as white bread, white rice and so on. By concentrating on a whole grain diet many have found great relief from pain.
If you have a sweet tooth and you’re not diabetic you might consider adding in a few cookies, some chocolate or the like. According to research, the smell and taste will help to lower your pain receptors sensitivity.
Chocolate has long had a reputation to heal the body. It can do amazing things and all you need is one small ounce of the delicious treat to indulge and help heal your body.
Heat Applications
There are a few ways to go about this. You can add a heat pack to an affected sore muscle, you can soak in a hot bath or the hot tub, you can use a hot water bottle or heat gel packs in the microwave. Heat increases the flow of blood to your extremities and any affected areas.
If you don’t have a gel pack or hot water bottle you can always pour some rice into a clean sock and tie the open end off. Heat it in the microwave for one minute and you have an instant hot rice pack to use. A bonus of this method is that the rice in the sock will easily fold over a shoulder or knee to help ease your pain.
Cold Therapy
Just as heat can help relieve pain, so can cold. It helps to reduce inflammation and thus take the pressure off of sore muscles. Many people alternate heat and cold therapies with great results.
If you don’t have a cold pack or an ice bag you can create your own cold pack easily. Simply grab two zip style plastic bags and add one cup of rubbing alcohol and 2 cups of cold water.
Press as much of the air out of the first bag as you can and then zip it shut. Place this bag into the second bag to ensure that there are no leaks. Zip this one shut as well pressing the air out as you go. Freeze for at least one hour and you have an instant ice pack. It won’t freeze solid and you can mold it to the area that needs the cold.
Morning Stretch
Don’t forget that morning stretch. You’ll loosen up those stiff muscles and give the blood a chance to begin circulating. You can stretch any time of the day that you’re feeling a bit sore. It’s amazing what a five minute stretch mid-day can do to help ease muscle pain and joint tenderness.
Start at the toes and gently stretch each of your toes. Slowly work your way up your body until you get to your neck. Gently roll your neck each direction and you’re done. The entire process should take you anywhere from five to seven minutes total. It’s a great way to relax for several minutes a few times per day and can do wonders to help ease pain.
Enjoy The Sunshine
Go outside for 15 minutes and spend some time in the sunshine. The extra Vitamin D will do you good and help to ease some of that pain. You’ll feel better just taking a break and getting out of the house and the fresh air will do you good as well.
Vitamin D has long been touted as a great way to help ease inflammation and help relieve some pain. You can simply lie back and let the sun ease your pain or you can do a bit of gardening and water a few of your favorite flowers while you’re soaking in that Vitamin D.
Take a moment and do some deep breathing. Mentally transport yourself to a better place where there is no pain. Picture your favorite relaxing scene and spend about 15 minutes working in this visualization. You’ll feel better and be more able to cope with what is going on around you.
Many people try this a few times per day to help ensure that they stay relaxed and pain free. It’s also a great way to keep your blood pressure down.
Change Your Perspective
Whether you’re using hypnosis or simply positive thinking, change how you look at things. Your body has the ability to heal itself and the more positive you are the more likely you are to feel better.
Next time you have some pain try just a few minutes of positive thinking and see if your pain doesn’t ease up. Just a few positive thoughts can be enough to keep you going.
Learn a form of meditation and spend a few minutes each day using your new found method of pain relief. Simply close your eyes sit back and enjoy some soothing music or aromatherapy or combine them all and watch your pain melt away.
The only side effects of this method are that you’re more relaxed. An added bonus is that it can be done several times per day for great results.
The ancient Chinese art of acupuncture has given many a patient pain relief. Extremely thin needles are inserted into the skin in specific areas to help improve the flow of the system. Always ensure that acupuncture therapists are certified.
If you’re unsure of where to find a great acupuncturist check with your primary care physician or your local acupuncture clinic as to what they recommend.
Get Your Rest
According to statistics, many of us don’t get enough rest. When our bodies are fully rested we are better able to fight off pain. Get at least six to eight hours of rest nightly for best results.
Set yourself a bedtime and try to stick to it. If you’re struggling with insomnia try a half hour wind down time each evening and make sure you’re getting up at the same time each morning.
Massage Therapy
A good massage therapist knows how to work those muscles and get that blood pumping in your body. This can also help to release endorphins and help relieve your pain. Endorphins are the body’s natural way of treating pain. The more that are released the better you’ll feel.
Natural Herbal Remedies
Ginger, Basil and Turmeric
Consider adding in some natural herbal remedies such as ginger, basil and turmeric. You can add them to your foods, make a tea or tincture and sip on them or take them in capsule form (available in your favorite health food store or online). The different herbs each have their own specific qualities and work well together to ease your pain.
Devils Claw
While the name may sound intimidating, it is one of the most commonly used herbs to treat a variety of conditions including liver ailments and heart burn. It offers up anti-inflammatory benefits and can help ease the pain of arthritis, a variety of types of headaches and even low back pain.
Birch Leaf
The leaves of the birch act very similar to the drug cortisone. Cortisone is used in treating many endocrine disorders including Addison’s, arthritis, auto immune conditions and skin conditions.
The birch leaf offers up an anti-spasmodic treatment as well as an analgesic and an astringent. It also has properties rendering it as a great diuretic and detoxifying benefit. It can reduce wrinkles in aging skin and promotes skin healing.
Essential Oil Of Wintergreen
Wintergreen contains 85 percent of methyl salicylate which is a compound that is found in everyday aspirin. It can offer a myriad of benefits for easing pain. It is often used in creams and ointments for pain relief.
White Willow Bark
Salycilic acid is the active ingredient in willow bark. Often utilized in Native American remedies it helps to lower prostaglandins which are similar to hormones which can cause inflammation, aches and pain.
It’s easy on the stomach and the intestinal tract and can help to relieve menstrual cramping as well as muscle pain and arthritis. Promoting blood flow it can rush healing blood to the site of injury and reduce the need for stronger pain medications.
Those chile peppers in your food are helping ease your pain. This wonderful pain reducer helps to desensitize the nerve receptors known as C fibers. It reduces tenderness for 3 to 5 weeks at a time.
There are a variety of ways to use this treatment from adding it to foods, taking it in capsules, using it in creams or ointments. It’s long been recommended as a menstrual cramp reducer in the form of tea or capsules. Some patients with neuropathy pain have reported relief from pain for up to 12 weeks at a time.
Seed Oils
This somewhat generic term applies to any oils that contain Gamma Linolenic Acid or GLA. It’s found in many oils from seeds and the fatty acids of these oils help to reduce nerve pain often found in diabetics and neuropathy patients.
Long touted as a great reducer of pain especially for arthritic conditions, the humble cherry is an ideal way to help stop inflammation and inhibit pain enzymes in the body. Cherries contain the highest amount of anti-inflammatory capabilities of any food on the market today. Try a glass of cherry juice to see if it helps relieve your arthritis pain.
Red Seaweed
Also called Aquamin, this pain reducer is found in red seaweed and is said to help ease the stiffness that arthritis patients often suffer. It reduces the inflammation and builds bone. It’s also rich in calcium as well as magnesium as well.
Derived from a European flower, arnica is often used in alternative medicines for such things as sports injuries and pain. Excellent for a sprained muscle or broken bone, it offers both anti-inflammatory properties as well as a pain reducer. It also helps post-surgery to reduce swelling and pain.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Rich in vitamins, minerals and potassium, apple cider vinegar isn’t just a folk remedy, it’s also well known for its healing properties. Just ¼ cup per day can help to ease those joint pains. If the taste isn’t to your liking consider adding it to a fresh green salad or make it into a warm tea and stir in some honey and other delicious flavors to help get it down. Most report results within just a few minutes of drinking this concoction.
Sip some peppermint tea. Long touted as a way to treat toothaches and help to alleviate tummy ailments and gas peppermint is also well known for its ability to treat skin irritations as well as headaches and joint pain.
Pineapple is full of a great enzyme called bromelain. This bromelain helps to reduce the prostaglandin levels in the body. Prostaglandins are hormones which can increase your inflammation. Pineapple can help promote healing in muscles and connective tissues that are affected by arthritis.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice isn’t just great for a bladder infection, it’s also great for treating the lining of the stomach and reducing pain. Cranberry juice can help to destroy bacteria that can cause ulcers as well as urinary tract infections. It can ease the pain and help to promote a healthier intestine.
Frankincense has been used for centuries to help reduce inflammation and by the very act of reducing the inflammation, it helps to ease pain. Long used in Ayurvedic medicines researchers have found that it can help to treat inflammatory bowel conditions as well.
The best part of natural pain relievers is that you can try any or all of them without any side effects to be concerned about. Many people combine such methods as exercise and sipping some herbal tea to help ease their pains.
Often they’ll combine these with other therapies in order to help relieve pain even further. Applied daily these pain relief tips can greatly reduce pain from arthritis and other joint or nerve conditions. It’s cheaper than over the counter medications or pharmaceuticals and many people report better results when they try these natural methods of pain relief. Mix and match them to find your perfect pain relief.
Source Chronicbodypain.net
Originally posted 2023-06-09 14:29:20.