Tiếng Việt >> Indications Hip joint intraarticular injection is used to treat inflammation of the hip secondary to rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the supine position with the leg straight and externally rotated. A point is marked at 2 cm below the anterosuperior spine of […]
Category Archives: Joint Injection
The joint is usually injected from the extensor surface at a point where the synovium is closest to the skin. This site minimizes the interference from major arteries, veins, and nerves. When the point of injection has been determined, it is best marked with the tip of a retracted ballpoint pen or a needle hub by pressing the skin to produce a temporary indentation to mark the point of entry. The skin is then prepared in a standard aseptic fashion over an area large enough to allow palpation of landmarks, and sterile technique is used throughout the procedure.
Indication Infiltration of the coccyx region can be useful as a therapeutic procedure in coccydynia after exclusion of infection or other significant pathology. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is positioned in the lateral Sims’ position with the left side down for right-handed clinicians. With the upper leg flexed, the buttocks are separated, […]
Indications Sacroiliac joint injection is used to treat inflammation of the sacroiliac joints secondary to trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint disease, or stress secondary to mechanical changes in posture or gait. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the prone position. The patient is prepared in a standard aseptic fashion over […]
Indications The lumbar zygapophyseal (facet) joints have been shown to be a potential source of pain involving the low back and buttocks. Facet joint injections can provide diagnostic as well as therapeutic benefits for patients with low back pain. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the prone position with a […]
Tiếng Việt >> Indications Interphalangeal joint injection is used as a therapeutic procedure to treat inflammation of the metacarpal phalangeal and interphalangeal joints due to rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory arthritides. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the sitting position with the arm resting on the examination table. The hand […]
Tiếng Việt >> Indications First metacarpal joint injection is used to treat pain and inflammation secondary to osteoarthritis. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in a sitting position with the arm resting on the examination table. The forearm is placed on the ulnar side midway between supination and pronation, with the […]
Indications Abductor tendon of the thumb injection is a useful therapeutic procedure for tenosynovitis of extensor pollicis brevis and abductor hallicus longus (de Quervain’s syndrome) usually associated with repetitive trauma disorder. This procedure involves injection of common tendon sheath of the long abductor and short extensor tendons of the thumb. Techniques After informed consent is […]
Tiếng Việt >> Indications Wrist joint injection is a useful diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for inflammation due to rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory arthritides. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the sitting position with the arm resting on the examination table. The hand is placed palm down with the wrist […]
Tiếng Việt >> Indications Injection of the carpal tunnel is used to treat inflammation of the tissue of the tunnel resulting in median nerve entrapment. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the sitting position with the arm resting on the examination table. The wrist is positioned with the hand dorsiflexed […]
Tiếng Việt >> Indications Radiohumeral joint injection is used to diagnose and treat the painful and swollen elbow due to rheumatoid arthritis or nonspecific inflammatory arthritides. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the sitting position with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees. The lateral epicondyle and posterior olecranon are palpated. […]