(ĐTĐ) – Patients with advanced cancer may suffer from a number of pain states that show a typical pattern and require specific treatments. Bone metastasis. Most patients with advanced cancer will develop bone metastases, but this does not mean that they will develop pain in the affected area: The patient may have: a number of […]
Tag Archives: cancer pain
(ĐTĐ) – Having cancer does not mean that you have to live with pain. Cancer and some of the treatments for it can cause pain. But most people who have cancer are able to manage their pain well. Key points Cancer pain can be controlled. Only you know how you feel and how much pain […]
Medications Many different drugs are used to treat cancer pain. If you are already taking pain medicine for another problem, tell your doctor how often you are taking it and how well it works. The key to controlling cancer pain is to take your medicine on a regular schedule. Do not wait until your […]
You are the only one who knows how your cancer pain feels. You may need different combinations of treatments. Don’t be surprised if your pain control plan needs to be changed often. Don’t let that discourage you. Be honest and specific about what does and does not work for you. Staying on top of your […]
Cause of cancer pain. Cancer pain may be caused by the cancer or by the treatments and tests used. Cancer treatment does not always cause pain. But out of every 10 adults with cancer, between 1 and 3 of them report having pain caused by the treatment. Out of every 10 children with cancer, as […]