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Tag Archives: nerve block

Suprascapular Nerve Block

Tiếng Việt >> Indication The suprascapular nerve blockade is useful in patients as a therapeutic procedure for pain in the shoulder region. This block is used as an adjuvant to physical therapy in patients with limited range of motion secondary to arthritic shoulder pain, shoulder-hand syndrome, and shoulder pain. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, […]

Stellate Ganglion Block

Tiếng Việt >> Indication Stellate ganglion blockade is useful for diagnosing and treating pain of sympathetic origin. This includes pain involving the face, head, neck, and upper extremities secondary to complex regional pain syndrome, acute herpes zoster, and phantom limb pain. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the supine position […]

Occipital Nerve Block

Tiếng Việt >> Indication The occipital nerve blockade is used both diagnostically and therapeutically in the treatment of occipital neuralgia. Techniques After informed consent is obtained, the patient is placed in the sitting position with the head flexed forward. The occipital nerve is located at the midpoint between the mastoid process and the greater occipital […]

Common Nerve Block Techniques

Tiếng Việt >> General The placement of local anesthetics at various sites along the neural axis is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of pain disorders, such as complex regional pain syndrome and postherpetic neuralgia. Peripheral nerve blocks also can provide muscle relaxation and pain relief to facilitate an active […]

Saphenous Nerve Block

Introduction Clinicians in the emergency department and other acute care settings frequently encounter patients who have sustained trauma to the lower leg or foot and require anesthesia for repair. Regional block of the saphenous nerve, a pure sensory nerve of the leg, allows for rapid anesthetization of the anteromedial lower extremity, including the medial malleolus. […]

Superficial Peroneal Nerve Block

Introduction Emergency practitioners and other clinicians working in acute care settings frequently encounter patients who have trauma to or pathology of the dorsum of the foot and require anesthesia for treatment and repair. Regional block of the superficial peroneal nerve allows for rapid anesthetization of the dorsum of the foot, which allows for management of lacerations, fractures, […]

Posterior Tibial Nerve Block – Technique

<< Posterior Tibial Nerve Block Technique Explain the procedure, benefits, risks, and complications to the patient and/or patient’s representative, and inform the patient of the possibility of paresthesia during the procedure. Obtain informed consent in accordance with hospital protocol. Perform and document neurovascular and musculoskeletal examinations prior to the procedure. Testing the posterior tibial nerve […]

Posterior Tibial Nerve Block

Introduction Pratitioners in the emergency department frequently encounter patients who have sustained trauma to the sole of the foot and require anesthesia for repair. This tender area is relatively difficult to anesthetize locally. Regional block of the posterior tibial nerve allows for rapid anesthetization of the heel and plantar regions of the foot. Regional blocks […]

Radial Nerve Block

Introduction Radial nerve block is a simple procedure that can be performed at various levels along the course of the radial nerve. Surgical anesthesia, postoperative analgesia, and palliative measures for acute painful conditions are all indications for radial nerve block. Radial nerve anatomy The radial nerve is 1 of the 4 important branches of the […]

Median Nerve Block

Introduction Median nerve blocks at the wrist, either alone or in combination with blockade of the ulnar and radial nerves, are useful emergency department (ED) procedures. Compared to local anesthesia, nerve blocks provide greater efficacy and coverage of anesthesia useful for more complicated wounds or procedures involving the hand. In general, adequate anesthesia is a […] Protection Status